Eastern Journal Of Medicine

[Eastern J Med]
Eastern J Med. 2014; 19(2): 94-101

Awareness of hyperacusis management among hearing health care professionals - a nationwide telephonic survey

Suman Kumar1, Indranil Chatterjee1, Punam Kumari1, Sujoy Kumar Makar1

Hyperacusis has recently attracted professional attention. Previously, this topic was not well researched or documented. In many instances, due to a lack of understanding regarding the diagnosis, the pathophysiology and treatment options, patients' complaints were ignored. Hyperacusis is defined as an abnormally strong reaction to sound occurring within the auditory pathways. In the present study, an attempt has been made to make a telephonic survey regarding awareness of hyperacusis by asking a set of 19 questions from otorhinolaryngologists and audiologists in almost all parts of India. It is found that 56.6% of the participants report that hyperacusis is not diagnosed in their clinics, 73.4 % do not know the etiology, 33.3% manage hyperacusis and tinnitus simultaneously while others are not sure which should be managed. Decreased sound tolerance, including hyperacusis, misophonia, and phonophobia, is a challenging topic to study and treat. The etiology is not clear, neural mechanisms are speculative and treatments are not yet proven. The general recognition of decreased sound tolerance, as a problem requiring attention and proper treatment, should be considered a priority in the community of hearing professionals.

Keywords: Hyperacusis, awareness, survey

Suman Kumar, Indranil Chatterjee, Punam Kumari, Sujoy Kumar Makar. Awareness of hyperacusis management among hearing health care professionals - a nationwide telephonic survey. Eastern J Med. 2014; 19(2): 94-101

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