Novel inflammatory markers in patients with psoriasisGöknur Özaydın Yavuz, İbrahim Halil YavuzDepartment Of Dermatology, Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey
INTRODUCTION: Psoriasis is an autoimmune, chronic, inflammatory skin disease affecting approximately 1-3% of the population worldwide. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) are simple and practical methods used as predictive markers in numerous clinical conditions. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between the severity of psoriasis and NLR, PLR, and MPV levels in patients with psoriasis. METHODS: The study included 60 patients who were being followed up due to a diagnosis of psoriasis and 30 healthy controls. The NLR was calculated by dividing neutrophil count by lymphocyte count and the PLR was calculated by dividing platelet count by lymphocyte count. RESULTS: The 90 participants comprised 45 (50.0%) men and 45 (50.0%) women with a mean age of 41.2±13.4 years. Mean PASI score was 8.1±5.2, mean MPV was 8.8±0.9 fL, mean platelet count was 262.7±71.3 10e3/uL, mean leukocyte count was 7.3±2.0 10e3/uL, mean NLR was 1.8±1.1, mean PLR was 112.9±45.9, and mean duration of disease was 9.4±7.3 years. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: No significant difference was found in the NLR, PLR, and MPV levels between the patients with psoriasis and the controls. Although psoriasis is a common disease in the general population, there is no specific laboratory marker for the determination of disease severity. On the other hand, although the NLR, PLR, and MPV levels, which can be easily determined by a CBC test, were found to be normal in the patients with psoriasis, accumulating evidence suggests that these parameters are promising for this disease.
Keywords: Psoriasis, neutrophil, lymphocyte
Göknur Özaydın Yavuz, İbrahim Halil Yavuz. Novel inflammatory markers in patients with psoriasis. Eastern J Med. 2019; 24(1): 63-68
Sorumlu Yazar: Göknur Özaydın Yavuz, Türkiye |