[doi: 10.5505/2017ichc.PP-07]

Effects Of Adipose Drived Stem Cells In Experimentally Undescended Testes Rat Model

Suna Saygili, Işıl Aydemir, Pınar Kılıçaslan Sönmez, Dila Hatun Sal, Fulya Gülbağça, Mehmet Ibrahim Tuğlu
Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Histoloji ve Embriyoloji Anabilim Dalı

Undescended testes is common clinical condition and it is started being treated late because generally not realised. In delayed situations testicles are damaged by the higher temperatures and can lead to infertility. Stem cells were found to be protective, curative in testicular damage and preventive in tumor formation, moreover, independent from what aim they are used, they were found to be unharmful. In this study, it was aimed that adipocyte derived stem cell (ADSC) treatment were thought to be investigated in the way of protective and curative effects in experimental undescended testes (EUT) damage.
In this study, Wistar male rats, which weighting 45±9 g and 16-19 days old were used and those who their testicles did not drop to scrotum. Rats were seperated in four groups control, EUT, EUT + media, EUT + ADSC. In control animals no application was done. In EUT group, testicle was stitched intraabdominally. In EUT+media group was injected 100 µl cell culture media. In EUT+ADSC group, animals were injected 1x106 ADSC in 100 µl media into the rete testis. On the day 3 and 7 after applications, testicles were dissected and weighted. Spermatogetic serial cell marker, VASA, for immunohistochemistry and TUNEL assay were performed. Data was analyzed using One-Way ANOVA test statistically.
In EUT applied testicles, oedemma and disassociation in between seminifer tubules, degeneration inside seminifer tubule, vacoulasation and picnotic cells and atrophic structures were observed. There were significant histopathologic differences via media and low amount of ADSC. With TUNEL the apoptotic death were shown. VASA staining was found to be high in positivity in early term, highest in control and decreased in early term, especially high in EUT group.
Undescended testes is an important problem of infertility and there are needs for methods to improve curability. Stem cells are substantial product for EUT treatment with everyday increasing potential. The positive contributions they gave to the testicles might be valuable findings in fields of infertility and assisted reproductive techniques. It is thought that stem cells based therapy is valuable to sustain a quality reproductivity.